Seduced By My Son’s Best Friend

Sometimes the best things aren’t planned…

Pia Monroe
9 min readJun 9, 2023

“Mrs. Rafferty, fancy seeing you here.”

I glance behind me to see my son’s best friend signal for the bartender. “I should be the one saying that, Caleb. What are you doing here? I thought you were off to college.”

We’re at one of my favorite hotel bars. I’d met my friends earlier for drinks but I wasn’t keen on returning to an empty house so soon, not even with the forecast of a storm bearing down the area. It’s Saturday and the night is young.

“Mom and Dad are in Europe and they asked me to housesit for a few days, get their mail and all that,” he says, cocking his head toward the empty stool next to me. “May I join you?”

“That would be wonderful,” I say, doing my best not to stare. Caleb’s definitely filled out since I last saw him. His muscular biceps bulge through the sleeves of his tight t-shirt, and his chiseled jawline could cut through ice. Although he’s only twenty-two, his beard makes him look older.

“Is Jeremy coming home for break?” he asks as the bartender sets a drink in front of him. He and Jeremy are best friends, having gone to high school together.

I shake my head. “Not this time. He’s been spending a lot of time with his new girlfriend.”



Pia Monroe

Hopeless romantic, writer of erotic love stories and an accidental narrator. All stories are intended for 18+. Find my books on